India – 32 Young men said yes to the lord in Shillong
Shillong, India – may 2023 - On Wednesday, May 24th, 32 novices from the Salesian Novitiate at Don Bosco Sunnyside in Upper Shillong, made their First Profession of Religious Vows in the Congregation. 24 newly professed are belongs to the St. John Paul II Shillong Province and 8 belonging to the Province of Mary Help of Christians Guwahati. Father Biju Michael, the Regional Superior for South Asia who is doing the Extra-ordinary Visitation in the Province received their vows on behalf of the Rector Major. Present on the joyous occasion and concelebrating the Profession Holy Mass were Father Paul O Lyngkot, the Provincial of Shillong Province, Father Benny the Provincial Economer of Guwahati Province, Father VT Jose – the Novice Master, Father James Thyrniang – the Provincial Economer of Shillong Province, several council members of Shillong Province, other leaders of the various communities of the Shillong Province, parents and well-wishers of the Novices. In his homily, Fr. Biju Michael began by thanking the 32 men who courageously responded to God’s Call and also to the formators and superiors who accompany them in their journey to religious life. He then spoke on the gift of the Holy Spirit, reminding how Mother Mary accompany the Apostles before the Pentecost, she accompanies the novices and the salesians. “The Gift of the Spirit is important for us, to be able to make choice, to mature and to transcend from the desire of self fulfillment,” he said. Talking on the Gospel of the day, he concluded his homily by assuring the novices who would be making their profession that he is praying for them, the congregation is praying for them and are willing to accompany them so that they can be transformed from the water to the sweetest wine. After the homily, there was the rite of profession and immediately after their Profession of Vows, the newly professed received the Constitution and Regulations of the Congregation.
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