Ecuador - "El Gris, the radio": three years of accompanying and evangelizing young people

24 May 2023

Quito, Ecuador - May 2023 - On May 21, with a special program, "El Gris, the radio" celebrated 3 years of broadcasting. During this time, the online radio station has become a space where young people from the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) and oratories are the main protagonists, and whose main mission is to accompany and evangelize young people. The program was animated by Francisco Guilcapi and Anabel Vinueza, and brought together presenters, former presenters, and people who collaborated to make this project of the Salesian Province of Ecuador happen. Fr. Mauricio Leime, Delegate for Salesian Youth Ministry in Ecuador, recalled that it is a joy to celebrate this third anniversary and that the radio is a response to the dream that the various sectors of the Province can participate together in a proposal to carry forward the message of God's Word to young people. Fr. Marcelo Farfán, ECU Provincial, joined this celebration with a greeting in which he congratulated those who participate in this online radio where listeners are expected to feel welcomed with affection and care. "I find it interesting that it is a tool of the SYM, of communication for the youth themselves, with the accompaniment of the Salesians.... My message to the youth of 'El Gris' is that they continue to be creative, that they continue to respond to the cultural sensitivity of the youth, that they know how to deal with topics of interest to them, and I hope the experience will continue to grow." Guests included Katherine Guamán and Jennyfer Chiriboga, who have supported the radio show every Sunday since its inception.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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