South Africa - SYM Vocation Day
On the feast of St. Dominic Savio, the Salesian Youth Movement in Johannesburg organised a Vocation day at Sancta Maria, Finetown. Members of the Salesian Family [SDB, FMA, Salesian Cooperators] and also young people representing Altar Servers and Youth leaders shared about the various ways one can serve in the Church. Fr. Vaclav Klement, provincial of AFM was the main celebrant at the mass with Deacon Xolile Galata the preacher. During his homily the deacon encouraged the young people to continue searching and praying for guidance in their discernment about where God is calling them to serve in the church.
Clarence Watts
- South Africa - Two Salesians from AFM Vice Province address the Annual Leadership Conference of the Archdiocese of Johannesburg
- South Africa - Annual meeting of the Regional Formation Commission of Africa-Madagascar
- Zambia – First profession of 20 Salesian novices
- South Africa – Retreat and assembly for the Salesians in the Southern Africa Vice-Province
- South Africa - Priestly ordination of Salesian Xolile Galata
- South Africa – Salesian Family Day
- Zambia - Curatoria of Lusaka-Makeni postnovitiate and Kabwe novitiate
- South Africa – AFM Vice-province of Southern Africa: conclusion of Extraordinary Visitation and Installation of new Superior
- South Africa – Fr. Alphonse Owoudou meets Salesian Family of Ennerdale
- eSwatini - Councilor’s visit to Africa-Madagascar Region
- RMG - Fr. Václav Klement appointed new Superior of Southern Africa Vice-Province
- South Africa - Thanksgiving Mass for St. Artemide Zatti and St. John the Baptist Scalabrini
- South Africa - 12th Provincial Chapter of AFM Vice-Province concluded
- South Africa - Beginning of Provincial Chapter of Southern African Vice-Province