Brazil - 250 young people from Salesian presences in Manaus gathered for Youth Easter
Manaus, Brazil - April 2023 - On April 21 in the "Don Bosco" Institute in Manaus, the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) organized the event "Youth Easter 2023" on the themes "Christus Vivit" and "Young man, I say to you, arise!" (Luke 7:14). The event was attended by more than 250 young people from different Salesian presences in the Manaus area. The program was prepared with moments of animation, prayer, formation, group activities, and cultural festivities. Fr. Jefferson Luís, Superior of the Salesian Province of Manaus (BMA), welcomed the youth with joy and expressed his satisfaction at being present at the activity. He expressed his gratitude for the yes of each youth who accepted the invitation to participate and pointed out that it is necessary to look at the youth reality in which each one is embedded to find 'Christ alive' in daily life. Fr. Jose Ivanildo, Provincial Delegate for Salesian Youth Ministry, presented the event's theme which, starting from Pope Francis' Encyclical on Youth, invited those present to reflect on the journey and role of youth in the Church and the challenges of following the living Christ in a secularized world. The SYM Provincial Coordinator, Yuri Oliveira, was the young person in charge of leading the team of animators, composed of various representatives of the Salesian communities, who dreamed up and created the Youth Easter. The event was made possible by the collaboration and accompaniment of area Salesians, youth and members of the Salesian Family.
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