Italy – Croatian Youth visit the Salesian sites
Turin, Italy – April 2023 – About 400 young people from Croatian Salesian Province of Saint John Bosco visited the most important Salesian places. Valdocco, Colle don Bosco, Chieri and other places left a strong impression on those who visited the place for the first time and on those who returned here again. Walking in the places where Don Bosco also walked and celebrating the Eucharist meant a lot to the young people who were accompanied by 20 Salesians, including fr. Tihomir Šutalo, provincial, and fr. Branko Bendra, provincial youth pastoral delegate. It was a prefect time for pilgrimage as it was just after the Easter while in Croatia is a short school break, and it was before month of May when Salesian oratories, schools and parishes are so active and in celebratory mood.
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