Chile - Fr. Gabriel Romero visits International Salesian Theologate in Lo Cañas
Santiago de Chile, Chile - April 2023 - During Holy Week, April 4-8, Fr. Gabriel Romero, Councilor for the America Southern Cone Region, as part of the Extraordinary Visit to the Salesian Province of Chile (CIL), visited the Salesian International Theologate based in Lo Cañas, Santiago, Chile. Fr. Romero was able to personally dialogue with each Salesian, formators and students, and visit the "Jesus Lord" parish served by the community. The formation community is composed of students from Chile, Ecuador and Peru studying Theology at the Catholic University of Chile.
- Chile - Fr. Gabriel Romero meets with Provincial House staff
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- Argentina - Meeting of Provincials Conference of Southern Cone Provinces
- Brazil - Meeting of the Salesian Network Brazil
- Chile - Fr. Gabriel Romero visits Concepción and Antofagasta
- Chile - Start of SYM in "José Miguel Infante" Secondary School: "With Christ, we are witnesses of the Kingdom"
- Chile - Salesians of Institute of La Serena produce awareness campaign on autism
- Chile - Youth Easter: a space for encounter and renewal
- Chile - Fr Gabriel Romero's Extraordinary Visit to Salesian presences of Linares and Talca continues
- Chile - Meeting of Directors: Caring for the animation of Salesian communities
- Chile – Extraordinary Visitation reaches Valdivia and Catholic University "Silva Henríquez"
- Chile - Ongoing Formation: spaces that nourish us and help us as a family
- Chile – Councilor for Southern Cone America Region visiting Salesian presences in Province of Magallanes
- Chile - Fr. Gabriel Romero begins Extraordinary Visitation to Salesian Province of Chile