D.R. Congo - Celebration of Immaculate Conception feast and laying of foundation stone of new college at "Don Bosco Shasha"
Shasha, D.R. Congo - December 2022 - On Dec. 8, on the feast day of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Fr. Aurélien Mukangwa, SDB, AFC-East Provincial Delegate, presided at the Eucharist in the Salesian community "Don Bosco Shasha," some 40 kilometers southwest of Goma, in Masisi territory. At the end of the Mass, Fr. Mukangwa proceeded to lay the foundation stone for the construction of a boarding school that will welcome students and young people from this region’s mining areas. The initial hosting capacity of the boarding school will be 40 young people, but upon completion of the construction project, it shall increase to 150. Thanks to the intervention of the Salesian Mission Office in Bonn, Germany, several young people from the region will be trained in trades and integrated into their families and communities. They will also benefit from solid psychosocial support.
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- D.R. Congo - 12 people reunited with their families after care at "Don Bosco Ngangi"
- D.R Congo - "Don Bosco Ngangi" in Goma celebrates Saint of Youth with refugees and young people
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- D.R. Congo - Over 900 people at AFC Province's Strenna Day.
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- Democratic Republic of Congo – Fr. Guillermo Basañes, Central Africa Provincial (AFC), visits displaced people in Goma
- D.R. Congo - Meeting of Rectors of Salesian works in Central Africa
- Democratic Republic of Congo – A camp of displaced people spontaneously arises around Salesian work "Don Bosco Ngangi"
- Democratic Republic of Congo – An appeal to help people fleeing war
- D.R. Congo - 166 girls and mothers in need graduate from "Don Bosco Ngangi" vocational training programs
- D.R. Congo - Training meeting for Rectors and Economers of AFC-EST delegation
- D.R. Congo - Three thousand pupils attend Mass opening school year