Nigeria - First Provincial Chapter of ANN Province
Lagos, Nigeria - December 2022 - The first Provincial Chapter of the Africa Nigeria Niger (ANN) Province was held at the Provincial House in Iju, Lagos, from December 4 to 8. Opened by the ANN Provincial, Fr. Jorge Crisafulli, it developed the theme "Which Salesians for the Youth of ANN Today?", which clearly refers to the theme of the 28th General Chapter. During the Chapter - which was attended by Provincial Councilors, Delegates, confreres, youth, Past Pupils, and Salesian Cooperators - committees were created to discuss possible changes and suggestions useful for the Province’s growth. The committees discussed several topics, including the identity of the Salesian for the youth of the ANN Province today, the preferential option for those most in need, shared mission and formation, and new frontiers and challenges for the future. Other documents on child protection, the financial code, the strategic plan for education and vocational training, and the terms and conditions of Human Resources were then presented. At the end of the Provincial Chapter, on the day of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Fr. Crisafulli celebrated Mass as a sign of gratitude to God and in remembrance of the Salesian Oratory's birth anniversary.
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