Portugal - Portugal's Past Pupils gathered for General Assembly
Fatima, Portugal - November 2022 - The General Assembly of the Portuguese Federation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco met in Fatima at the Community Life and Peace Rehabilitation and Integration Center (CRIF) last November 26. The main objectives of the meeting were the presentation of the Report and Budget for the present term and the election of the governing bodies for the three-year period 2023-2025. In addition to representatives of local centers and associations, the Assembly was also attended by Fr Joaquim Taveira, National Delegate for the Salesian Family, and Fr Anibal Mendonça, Provincial of the Salesians of Portugal. During the meeting, Celso Nogueira, on behalf of the outgoing administration, presented the report of activities and accounts for the term of office, which were unanimously approved. This first moment was followed by the celebration of Mass, the liturgical animation of which was provided by CRIF users. The election assembly was then held in the afternoon, and the slate presented was unanimously elected. At the end of the session, the re-elected president Celso Nogueira had the opportunity to share with all present the Strategic Plan of the World Confederation for the period 2022-2027. In conclusion, Fr. Mendonça emphasized the importance of prioritizing simple and effective projects and actions and seeking to refound inactive local centers, especially by involving the youngest Alumni.
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