Ecuador - Provincial Community Feast Day
Guayaquil, Ecuador - November 2022 - On Saturday, Nov. 19, the "Sacred Heart of Jesus" Province of Ecuador celebrated the Feast of the Provincial Community at the "Maria Auxiliadora" Shrine in Guayaquil with a Eucharist presided over by Fr. Francisco Sánchez, Provincial, and concelebrated by Fr. Esteban Ortiz and Marcelo Bravo, rectors of the host communities: Casa Don Bosco and San Juan Bosco, respectively. The motto of the celebration was "A heart as big as the sand of the sea," which invited the Salesian Family of Ecuador to thank God for the province's journey and work on behalf of young people, especially those in a vulnerable condition. In the "UE Domingo Comín" the arts event took place with groups from the "Fundación Proyecto Salesiano Guayaquil," the Salesian Polytechnic University, and the "San Juan Bosco" Community performing. During this program, a small tribute was paid to SDBs who were celebrating 25, 50, and 75 years of Religious Profession and 50 and 60 years of Priestly Ordination.
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