Chile - The Vicar of the Rector Major begins his visit to Chile in the Tarapaca region
Iquique, Chile - August 2016 – As part of the centenary commemoration of the death of Bishop José Fagnano, the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Francesco Cereda, has begun in Iquique a tour of some cities of Chile, where he will meet with the various Salesian communities. He has visited Concepción where he met with representatives of the community of Talca, Linares, Concepción, Valdivia and Puerto Montt.
- Chile – Eleventh Provincial Day of Social Communication
- Chile - Don Bosco College of Iquique stages a photographic exhibition
- Chile - Priestly Ordination of Marco Antonio Morales Vasquez
- RMG - Fr Cereda, "the memory of Monsignor Fagnano will be good for Chile and for the Congregation"
- Chile - The Vicar of the Rector Major concludes his tour by giving thanks for the gifts received
- Chile - Salesians hold a public gesture to ask forgiveness for cases of sexual abuse
- Chile - "": a new presence in the digital world
- Chile – Priestly Ordination of Salesian confrère Jimmy Pérez
- Chile - The Government asks Bishop Vargas to intervene in the dialogue with the Mapuche communities
- Chile – Cardinal Ezzati: Reparation Eucharist at “Gratitud NacionaIn this l”