Italy - Third Phase of the Course for the members of the 153 Missionary Expedition
Castelnuovo Don Bosco, Italy – September 2022 - The preparation for the members of the 153 missionary expedition has entered its third phase: the charismatic nucleus. This nucleus deals with the distinction and complimentarity of the Salesian missionary spirit which is an essential trait of Don Bosco's charism and the Salesian missionary vocation, which is a special call, within the common Salesian vocation. Through group sharing and personal reflection the departing missionaries will also be helped to appreciate and live the renewed profile of a Salesian missionary: The missionary is not only the one who gives, but above all the one who receives; not only does he teach, but above all he learns from the people he serves, who are not only passive recipients of his efforts. As a mediator, the missionary keeps nothing for himself but takes care to keep alive his ardour for holiness through the ‘grace of unity’. He devotes himself generously to the people entrusted to him until his last breath:burial in his mission land seals this love.
- Egypt - General Councilor for Missions visits Salesian Oratory in Alexandria: a true place where fraternity is built
- Italy – Listening to the voices of missionaries: Boonmee Charusakon, sent with 153rd Salesian Missionary Expedition
- Italy – A fatherly meeting of Rector Major with departing missionaries
- Italy – Missionary Sending of 153rd Salesian Missionary Expedition.
- Italy – Listening to the voices of missionaries: Edwin Seminario Rivera, departing with the 153rd Salesian Missionary Expedition
- Italy – Listening to the voices of missionaries: Oscar Kimangou, departing with the 153rd Salesian Missionary Expedition
- Italy - Listening to the voices of the missionaries: Sansão Manuel Sebastião Gonçalo, departing with 153rd Salesian Missionary Expedition
- Italy - Missionary dream of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello continues: on Sunday, September 25, 153rd Salesian Missionary Expedition takes place
- Italy – Listening to the voices of missionaries: Sébastien Anasamba Levilo, departing with the 153rd Salesian Missionary Expedition
- Italy - Final Phase of the Course for new missionaries
- Italy – Listening to the voices of missionaries: Fr. Roger Mbayo Mukadi, departing with 153rd Salesian Missionary Expedition
- Italy – Listening to the voices of missionaries: Fr. Paul Hoon Kang, departing with 153rd Salesian Missionary Expedition
- Italy - Orientation Course for New Missionaries Started
- RMG – Preparations for the 153rd Salesian Missionary expedition