Zambia - Collaboration between India and Zambia to initiate young people into filmmaking

25 July 2022

Lusaka, Zambia – July 2022 – The ZMB Vice Province in Central Africa through the office of the Provincial Youth Delegate, Fr. Christopher Kunda and Fr. Diravya Rupen has invited experts from India in Filmmaking to train the youth who are passionate about Filmmaking. The Intensive Course has began with 40 students from Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia being trained in Film directing, Script writing, Sound designing, sound Editing, Video Editing, acting as well as other interpersonal skills. This India - Zambia collaboration course was inaugurated at the Salesian Animation center in Bauleni - Lusaka which is managed by Fr. Andrew Reut. During the inauguration ceremony, Fr. Kunda explained the aim and vision of the project to the students and the Zambian Filmmakers, directors, celebrities and government officials who were invited. Jaikumar and Leeju are experts from Enso pictures in Indian who came to train the youth. Owas Ray Mwape is also a Film director from Oram Film Academy who is also training these youth. The ceremony was graced by the Zambia Arts Council President, Film Directors from different film industries as well as some delegates from the institute of Zambia Environmental and Climate change and many more. The dancers from Tonga dance group made the event colourful with their mesmerizing dances.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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