Bolivia - Elective Congress of Salesian Cooperators
Cochabamba, Bolivia - June 2022 - The elective congress of the Salesian Cooperators of Bolivia was held on June 11 and 12 in Cochabamba at the "Don Bosco Fátima" event center. The meeting’s theme concerned the vocation of the Salesian Cooperator, a ferment in society of a specific lay commitment, with availability and co-responsibility, in the association and the Church. Fr. Juan Aparicio, SDB Delegate, and Sr. Rosario Gutiérrez, FMA Delegate, for Salesian Cooperators, together with Asmiriam Montilla, World Councilor for the Pacific South Caribbean Region, animated and motivated the interventions, to prepare for the election of the new Provincial Council. After a process of reflection and invocation to the Holy Spirit, the following were chosen for the 2022-2025 term: Jaime A. Rojas, as Coordinator; José W. Rojas, for Formation; Viviana Deheza, as Secretary; Erika Wieler, for Administration; Mabel Mantilla, for Vocational Pastoral Care; and Carmen Álvarez, to Communications.
- Bolivia - First meeting of SYM and VTC 2022
- Bolivia - Meeting of Provincial Commission for Environment: developing directives, training, and interventions in favor of the environment and working in a network
- Bolivia - Training young people at Salesian Vocational Training Centers in Bolivia for a dignified and sustainable future
- Bolivia – A Welcome Home for Abandoned Girls
- Bolivia – SYM National Assembly: "Do all through love, nothing through constraint"
- Bolivia – Salesian presence in Cobija begins to take shape
- Bolivia - A time of reflection and welcome for Salesian Rectors
- Bolivia – For 24 years, Salesian University contributes to country's development through knowledge