Italy - Salesian Vocational Training Center of Fossano collects basic necessities for Ukraine
Fossano, Italy - May 2022 - On Wednesday, 11 May, the Salesian Vocational Training Center of Fossano contributed to the collection of basic necessities for the Ukrainian emergency organized by the Salesian Province of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta (ICP) through an initiative called "Peace, please." A provincial collection center for medicines and personal hygiene products has been operating at the Michele Rua Salesian house in Turin since last March 28. Thanks to the support of Prof. Luigi Oggero and several students of the Laboratories School and Training course, the students of the Salesian VTC brought various items: disinfectants, a box of band-aids, a packet of paracetamol... each student making a small donation for a bigger goal, with the promise not to forget all those who live in war and to do what they can to start building peace, beginning from daily life and relationships.
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