It was a delightful group – a blend of both the working and studying youngsters. The highly professional and disciplined nature of the seniors and the eccentric, candid and spontaneity of the teenagers created a fabulous atmosphere of friendship, love, trust, and openness. The days of the Youth Pasch were abounding with the themes, pertaining to the significance of the day, ‘Love as I have loved’, ‘Forgive as I have forgiven’, ‘Live as I have lived’. The dawn of each new day made the youngsters realize the worth of their life and the price that Jesus paid to redeem them. The various activities conducted during the Youth Pasch left an indelible mark in the hearts of the youngsters. The Youngsters were deeply touched with the Labyrinth Prayer Garden, the Seder Meal and the Empty Tomb Experience. The apex of the Youth Pasch was the Sacrament of Reconciliation which gave them an opportunity to make peace with God and themselves.
The Youth Pasch was indeed a time of intense renewal and spiritual growth for the young participants. The youngsters during the Youth Pasch made a commitment to carry on the experience of the ‘Pasch’ into their personal and professional lives. It was indeed an unforgettable Easter Experience for the Paschers!
Written by Cl Jeswin Mastan and Cl Agnel Dias