Argentina - Provincial Team of Oratories accompanies Oratorian Communities
Buenos Aires, Argentina - March 2022 - The team of Oratories of the Province of South Argentina (ARS) met on March 5 in the Almagro neighborhood to begin their annual programming. As a community that animates, they shared a moment of prayer and reflection, which then kicked off the day's work, consisting of the preparation of oratorian experiences that will take place in various regions during April and May. This initiative was born as a result of various listening activities carried out during the years 2020-2021 through which the team of oratories has tried to get closer to the realities and needs of local and regional communities. Starting from this premise and after having launched the material "Oratories in Essence", with these meetings the team proposes to accompany the oratorian communities in a formative and motivational process, creating a space for thinking together and growing.
- Argentina - Meeting of Salesian Youth Accompaniment team in Cordoba
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- Argentina - First in-presence meeting of Argentine Federation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco
- Argentina - Reflecting on importance of communication in the Church and Salesian Congregation
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- Argentina - Working in synergy for youth’s education and vocational training
- Argentina - Meeting of Salesian School of Youth Accompaniment
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- Argentina – Creating hope, weaving bonds
- Argentina - Meeting of Salesians in Initial Formation