Chile - Donation from "Emaresa" Enterprises benefits hundreds of people from the Don Bosco Foundation
Chile - September 2021 - The Management and services company "Emaresa" donated more than 100 jackets to the recipients of the "Fundación Don Bosco" (FDB), as part of the winter clothing collection campaign. The donation benefited the houses "PEC P. Rodrigo Carranza", "PEC Ceferino Namuncurá", "Albergue Nueva Luz", "Residencia de Jóvenes Bartolomé Garelli" and "Residencia Familiar Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez".
- Chile – "Fundación Don Bosco" inaugurates new family residence in "Padre Hurtado" district
- Chile - Concepción teachers receive formation to strengthen their pedagogical skills
- Chile - International Formative Meeting for American Educators
- Chile - 120 years of Salesian work in La Serena - Chile
- Chile - "Don Bosco Antofagasta" inaugurates the new multimedia studio "Carlo Acutis"
- Chile - First meeting of the webinar cycle "Educational experiences in the context of the Global Educational Project"
- Chile - The Salesian Academy of Communication holds online training Programme
- Chile - Salesian Institute of Concepción inaugurates two innovative workshops
- Chile - Solidarity of "San Ramón" Salesian School with the elderly
- Chile - “Don Bosco” School of Calama signs new agreements on mining training
- Chile - Fifth anniversary of "Boosco" digital platform