Myanmar - Prayer service to celebrate start of Season of Creation 2021
Myanmar - 11 September 2021 - To begin the celebration of the "Season of Creation 2021", various Salesian communities in Myanmar, under the guidance of "Don Bosco Green Alliance", launched an online prayer service, animated through hymns, prayers of intercession, biblical reflections and the sharing of Pope Francis' message on Creation. The liturgy ended with the prayer of the Our Father sung by FMA postulants. During the "Season of Creation", which began on 1 September and ends on 4 October. The young people and members of the Salesian Family of Myanmar have further committed to actively participate in prayer initiatives and sustainability projects, such as planting trees, carry out cleaning campaigns and environmental awareness programs, and animate spiritual moments in their communities.
- East Asia-Oceania Region "Eco Team" Meeting
- Let's Recycle Up! A Don Bosco Green Alliance campaign for Global Recycling Day 2022
- Myanmar - Entrustment of St. Michael parish to the Salesians
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- Myanmar - Seminar on the vocation of the Salesian brother
- Myanmar – Online Ecological Awareness Program
- Myanmar – The Country's difficult situation
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- Myanmar - Vocations orientation meeting
- Myanmar - Priestly ordination of six Salesians
- Myanmar - Inauguration of Director of Salesian pre-novitiate in Thibaw