Philippines - "Boscotify", a podcast for students of "Don Bosco Mabalacat".
Mabalacat, Philippines - April 2021 - The leaders of the Student Council of "Don Bosco Mabalacat" started a podcast titled "Boscotify" with the aim of establishing an online debate between students and Salesian educators on some important topics that emerged during the pandemic. The topic of this date involved social networks, between over-exposure and addiction. Salesian educator Ryan Manalo provided attendees with his valuable insights as an Alumni mentor and user of social networks. He emphasized the importance of following the rules of social networking; and challenged listeners to know their priorities when it comes to using social networks and to make limited use of them if they realize they are not doing what they should. Mr. Manalo concluded his talk by stating that everyone has the power to interrupt the effects of social networking addiction, as well as to harness its potential for their own good and for the good of society at large.
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