Paraguay - Meeting of Salesian trainees
San Bernardino, Paraguay - March 2021 - The Salesian trainees from the Paraguay Province (PAR) held their first meeting of the year from 4 to 6 March to share experiences of spiritual, pastoral and community life. Accompanied by Fr Mario Villalba, PAR Provincial, and by Fr Delio Barreiro, Provincial Delegate for Formation, the participants explored the themes "The Salesian as a witness of evangelical radicalism, the identity of the consecrated Salesian", and "The spiritual dimension and the pastoral care of the stage of training according to the Ratio", which is the guiding document of the formation of the Salesians of Don Bosco.
- Argentina - Diaconal ordinations of two Salesians
- Paraguay - Beginning of Mary Help of Christians month in Concepción
- Paraguay - "Salesianito" Institute receives National Youth Science Award 2020
- Paraguay - Delivery of food to communities of Chaco Paraguayo
- Paraguay - Fr Attard: "Spiritual accompaniment in a Salesian key"
- Paraguay - Meeting of five-year-term Salesians
- Paraguay - Beginning of lessons in Salesian Educational Institutions
- Paraguay - Provincial Congress of Salesian Cooperators
- Paraguay - Meeting of Salesians in formation
- Paraguay - Perpetual profession of Salesian Brother Richard Duarte
- Paraguay - Three Wise Men of Oratory Our Lady of Assumption bring gifts to children