Italy - "Bearzi" Salesian Institute in Udine sets children's dreams to music
Udine, Italy - January 2021 - Always attentive to the world of young people, the Salesian Institute "Bearzi" in Udine presents to the public its new musical project, "Le promesse che ho scritto sulla pelle - The promises I wrote on my skin", a song created with the aim of telling the world of young people by young people themselves. At the center of the project are the thoughts of the students of five Bearzi high school classes who, guided by their teachers, shared their concerns about life, their choices, and their future in general. “Credere che tutto sia possibile anche quando è incomprensibile - Believing that everything is possible even when it is incomprehensible” is not only the song's refrain, but also the message of hope this song wants to bring to all the young. The video of the song is available online from January 31st on YouTube and on the main digital music platforms.