RMG - Fostering America’s Mission Animation
Rome, RMG - November 2020 - On 16 and 17 November the Provincial Delegates for Mission Animation (DIAM) of the Salesian Regions of Inter-America and South Cone America took part in the annual meeting of accompaniment and discernment promoted by the Department for the Missions. Three main themes were discussed during the meeting: the good practices of Mission Animation presented by each participant; the importance of the creation of the Provincial Mission Animation team and the promotion of Salesian volunteer service; the expectations of DIAM regarding the animation of the Department for the Missions. Among the significant points that emerged from this meeting, the following should be noted: the importance of networking with Youth Ministry and Social Communication; the need to animate local Educational-Pastoral Communities for the promotion of Mission Animation and volunteering; exploiting the new technological situation to be more present in social networks through formation, conferences, etc; and to research ways to present volunteer best practices and create a framework for international volunteering.
- Italy - Salesian Missions Sector visit VIS headquarters
- RMG - Online meeting of Provincial Delegates for Mission Animation of East Asia-Oceania Region
- RMG - Meeting of Mission Animation Delegates of Africa and Madagascar Region
- RMG - Meeting of Delegates for Mission Animation of Mediterranean Region with Missions Department