Argentina - Young Salesians and accompaniment
Córdoba, Argentina - July 2020 - Fr Silvio Roggia, Fr Francisco Santos and the Salesian coadjutor brother Raymon Callo, members of the Formation Department, met virtually with the young people of the inter-provincial post-novitiate community "Michele Rua" from Córdoba, Province of Northern Argentina (ARN). The event represented the conclusion of a series of weekly video conferences that took place in June with the aim of dialoguing and sharing the formative experiences in the light of the document "Young Salesians and Accompaniment", the tool that offers new horizons on Salesians in formation and the importance of accompaniment throughout the life of the Salesian of Don Bosco.
- Argentina – Always cheerful: boys and girls accompany other young people in the name of humor
- Argentina – Priestly ordination
- Argentina – Donated 100 face protection masks to Salesian houses of Córdoba
- Argentina - Installation of new Northern Argentina Provincial: Fr Horacio Fabián Barbieri
- Argentina – Basket of solidarity: "To the measure that we help, we enrich ourselves and put into practice the value of solidarity"
- Argentina – With the heart of Jesus and the face of Mary: "The pandemic has taught us to value more what we have to give to others"
- Argentina – "Zatti, our brother", preview of short film much-awaited by Salesian Family worldwide
- Argentina – "Educational ECC", Educating is a Thing of the Heart. Maira and Nicolás' project: "Salesianity crosses our being"
- RMG – Appointed: Provincials of UPS Vice Province and Province of Northern Argentina