Brazil - Charitable activities of “São João Bosco” parish of Alto da Lapa
São Paulo, Brazil - June 2020 - Since the COVID-19 pandemic reached Brazil and social isolation began, the parish "São João Bosco" of Alto da Lapa, directed by Fr Cláudio Motta, SDB, organized various assistance and support activities for needy families in the western zone of São Paulo. Overall, over 460 food baskets were offered during this period; protective masks created by the group "Parents and Friends of Young Missionary Teenagers" were given to families and hospitals; about 700 blankets were collected and distributed to needy and homeless families; over 200 meals were distributed to people on the street. Furthermore, during this period a fire struck a community in Jaguaré and for this reason a campaign was carried out to collect food and basic necessities for the families of that area.
- Brazil – “Em rede contra a fome”: live solidarity show collects food baskets for 200 families
- Brazil - Museum of Salesian Works on Google Arts & Culture
- Brazil – Salesians help needy communities of Niterói in pandemic times
- Brazil - "Dom Bosco Bom Retiro" Institute of São Paulo supports over 1000 families
- Brazil - Salesian social work of São José dos Campos distributes aid to 280 families
- Brazil - "Don Bosco Bom Retiro" distributes food and books
- Brazil - "Give your heart: help the hungry": solidarity campaign of Salesians of Lorena
- Brazil - "Dom Bosco Bom Retiro" Salesian Institute helps families
- Brazil - "Solidarity Quarantine" of UniSalesian of Araçatuba
- Brazil - UNISAL Solidarity Mask Campaign in São Paulo
- Brazil - Salesians of Lorraine create "líderes 4.0" to accompany young during pandemic