Brazil - "Cidade Dom Bosco" launches #MãosQueAjudam solidarity campaign
Corumbá, Brazil - April 13, 2020 - "We cannot be together, but we will be united" is the motto with which the Salesian work "Cidade Dom Bosco" of Corumbá, belonging to the Province of Brazil-Campo Grande (BCG), has launched the solidarity campaign #MãosQueAjudam. The goal is to collect basic necessities, materials for hygiene and cleaning, to be delivered to the families of the recipients of the social work who are in a situation of vulnerability, promoting preventive actions of contagion from Covid-19 and others illnesses. "Cidade Dom Bosco", which celebrated its 59th anniversary on April 3, is recognized for its humanitarian actions and projects that mobilize the population of Corumbá and Ladário; currently, through various programs and projects, it assists around 300 children and adolescents with their families.
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