I keep repeating in many places and on many occasions, my dear Salesian Family, Friends of Don Bosco’s Works, and all of you whom I meet monthly through the pages of this magazine: every day prodigious “miracles” of education are happening which are changing the lives of many boys and girls forever.  I say this with certainty because I myself have been a witness of it and when I recall it to mind, my heart brims with joy and with hope.

I have five dreams in my heart, dear Salesian Family scattered in the world, my dear friends. I think that these dreams are among the most beautiful fruits of the Bicentennial of Don Bosco’s birth. One of these dreams, the fourth one, concerns a Salesian Family that lives the joy of the Gospel, and this happens because we are convinced that we must be a Family of both evangelizers and educators in the faith, in all corners of the world where we are. 

From the depth of the mystery of God the great river of mercy flows unceasingly. This source will never run dry because the mercy of God is without end. We ought to be strong and convincing missionaries of this mercy.

Another dream of mine for the Salesian Family and for the friends of Don Bosco all over the world, as the fruit of this Bicentenary we lived as a year of grace of the Lord, is what was the norm of his life: carrying in one’s heart the poorest, especially children, boys and girls, young people, the most destitute, the most disadvantaged.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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