«The grace that comes from the Lord and to which I abandon myself, your help, the help of all the Salesians in the very diverse places of the world, and the love that all of us have for our young people - especially the poorest - give me the peace and courage that I need».
Fruit of the Salesian Family Spirituality Days: a beautiful “Our Father” to live every moment of each day
We are approaching the time of Lent which will prepare us for the Passover of the Lord. At this Season, the Church proposes to us prayer, fasting, and charity help us along our path to Easter. With this my greeting I am proposing to you a reflection that has a great deal to do with an excellent way to prepare for Easter: The way to live more and better at all times by LOVING – but truly loving, as they say colloquially, “until it hurts.”
My dear young people, dear boys and girls from all over our beautiful Salesian world. My greeting today is, first of all, for you. Naturally, I extend my affection to all my Salesian brothers, to the sisters, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, to the Salesian Cooperators, to the Past Pupils and to all the other members of our beautiful and great Salesian Family.
Dear young people, I am writing to you on this day, January 31, from Valdocco. Here it is already dawn. A few moments ago I was praying to the Lord, in the presence of our Mother Help of Christians, and especially in front of the relic of our Father Don Bosco, and of all our Saints and Blesseds who accompany us in the Basilica (St. Maria D. Mazzarello, St. Domenico Savio, Blessed Michele Rua, Blessed Filippo Rinaldi).