"Dream and Help Others Dream"

Poor young people if, in addition to all that must be done to survive during this time, we kill, annul, or maim their dreams and their desire to do something great and beautiful with their lives.

The young people told us that they love us, that they really love us as educators, and like friends, brothers, and parents, since, they added, the young people of today suffer from a great dearth of fatherly care and concern.


"In moments of difficult trials such as these, it is love that gives us life"

Dear Friends and Readers of the Salesian Bulletin:

Receive my cordial greeting at a time when all our minds are overwhelmed. I am writing these words on April 1st, thinking about the month of May, the month of our Mother. We have entrusted ourselves to her throughout the Salesian world during this very painful period of the Covid-19, or “coronavirus”, pandemic. From all parts of the world, we have raised up prayers – and continue to do so – to ask the Lord through the intercession of our Mother for help and comfort in these terrible hours for us all, with the loss of so many lives, even while knowing that later, also, there will be other difficulties that we will have to face.


«The grace that comes from the Lord and to which I abandon myself, your help, the help of all the Salesians in the very diverse places of the world, and the love that all of us have for our young people - especially the poorest - give me the peace and courage that I need».


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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