All of Don Bosco’s pedagogy is encapsulated in these autumn outings: familiarity and camaraderie; joy and celebration; a time to walk, as one walks along the paths of life; space for conversation and friendship; and Don Bosco’s good and kind presence.

Letter from a Grateful Heart

«While straightening my papers and notes, I found an envelope with a letter inside. A young woman had given it to me when I made my visit to the house called “Americana” in Brazil, in the Salesian Province of São Paolo.»

Something very great is happening when, after two thousand years of human history, we continue to feel today, perhaps more than ever, that She, His Mother, is our Mother also. 


The one that touches peoples’ lives and transforms them

My friends, readers of the Salesian Bulletin, I greet you again with all cordiality by means of this Salesian magazine founded by Don Bosco himself. It was his intention to use this bulletin to convey to the laity the reality of his young Salesian Congregation, which sought to be faithful to God as it was growing little by little. As we read in the 1877 issue, it "is published to give a report of things done or to be done according to the purpose of the Salesian mission, which is the care of souls and the good of civil society."

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ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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