(ANS - Ecully) - This month, the annual meeting of the Union of Networks of Congregations of Catholic Education (URCEC) was held in Ecully, not far from Lyon. Fr Jean-Noël Charmoille SDB, former Vice-Provincial of the "St Francis de Sales" Province of France-Southern Belgium (FRB) has been the chairperson of the organization for the past six years. In the following interview, he takes stock of Catholic education in France.
(ANS – Turin) – Today, with the responses to the last five questions, we conclude the presentation of the interview that the General Councillor for Social Communication, Fr Gildasio Mendes, gave to Fr Bruno Ferrero, Editor of the Salesian Bulletin, and published at the end of 2023 in the Note di Pastorale Giovanile (NPG) Magazine. In this final section, Fr Gildasio Mendes further explores the relationship between communication and Salesian education, tracing the fundamental elements that must serve as a compass for educational and evangelising work with today’s young people.
(ANS – Turin) – Today we continue the presentation of the interview that the General Councillor for Social Communication, Fr Gildasio Mendes, gave to Fr Bruno Ferrero, Editor of the Salesian Bulletin (Italy), and which was published in recent days in the journal Note di Pastorale Giovanile (NPG). In this third part, the General Councillor examines some issues related to the deeper nature of communication and also identifies some perspectives for Salesian work in the digital context.
(ANS – Madrid) – On 26 and 27 December, the Council of the Province of St James the Greater, Spain (SSM) met in Salamanca with Fr Fabio Attard, Delegate of the Rector Major for the Extraordinary Visitation of the Province, as part of the last meeting of the Council in 2023. During the meeting Fr Attard presented the first impressions of his Visit and in the interview that follows the SSM Provincial, Fr Fernando García, illustrates the steps taken from August until now, and the strengths and challenges indicated by the Visitor.