Ecuador - Fausto and David, a "yes" to God and young people forever

(ANS - Quito) - After several years of formation and discernment, Fausto Siavichay and David de la Cruz have decided to say "yes" forever to God and to pastoral work in the style of Don Bosco. With their perpetual professions, which they issued on 25 January, they have committed themselves to leading a chaste, poor and obedient life in the service of the Salesian Congregation and of the Church. A few days before this fundamental stage of their life, Fausto and David spoke of the meaning of this event in their journey of formation as religious.

What does perpetual profession mean?

Fausto: It is a generous "yes" that we have been giving to God since the First Profession, which we have renewed every year and which has now become a definitive "yes", after having made a journey, an accompaniment with our confessor, the Director of the house and the spiritual director.

David: It is a generous "yes" we were working on and it is an answer first of all to God, and from there an invitation to live in community, to work with young people.

In view of the celebration, what do you want to ask God?

Fausto: I ask God to help me find signs of life, like the ones I found in the community and among the young recipients; they helped me a lot to say "yes".

David: In all this time, I have asked him for two special gifts: the first is transparency. The second is fidelity.

This "yes" forever to God, how will you put it into practice in your apostolate?

Fausto: This "yes", as we said, is definitive, but we must continue to build it every day, through the Eucharist, accompaniment, talks and confessions.

David: It is a matter of continuing to be a contribution to my community and to my confreres, in the apostolate, encouraging even with a few words, even if I am a type of few words, and I like to work a lot.

A message for young people who feel attracted to the consecrated life

Fausto: First of all, that they have an experience, that they work a little with people ... They must have daily experiences, but above all they must let themselves be accompanied and discover the small signs at all times. God will be there to accompany them.

David: The first thing I would say to them is that sometimes people think that being religious is something only for those who go to Mass or are saints ... But in my case it wasn't like this. It is a call from God and He can call any person, with all his talents, but also all his weaknesses. From there, each one has the opportunity to follow up on that call.

Source: Ecuador Social Communication Office


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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