What are they?
Pacific, of the AUL Province; Provincial Delegate: Fr Petelo Vito Pau.
Sudan, of AFE Province; Provincial Delegate: Fr Pulikkal Joseph.
Senegal, Mali, Guinea Conakry and Gambia, of AFO Province; Provincial Delegate: Fr Denis Soro.
Nigeria, of AFW Province; Provincial Delegate: Fr Antony Oche.
Pakistan, of FIS Province; Provincial Delegate: Fr Eugenio Maglasang.
Belarus, of PLE Province; Provincial Delegate: Fr Viktar Hajdukevich.
Cambodia, of THA Province; Provincial Delegate: Fr Roel Soto.
Mongolia, of VIE Province; Provincial Delegate: Fr Paolo Leung Kon Chiu.
North Vietnam, of VIE Province; Provincial Delegate: Fr Thomas Aquinas Tran Quoc Tuan.