The Missionary Office "Por los Jóvenes - Don Bosco" responded promptly to the emergency, distributing food and personal hygiene kits in its 22 branches.
How was the aid distributed?
La Rioja: 450 people assisted 2 times a week;
San Nicolás de los Arroyos: 100 families supported by young people, with food and personal hygiene kits;
Córdoba: 40 families reached every week; setting up of 2 kiosks where more than 100 children and young people go;
Zárate: food cooked every week for 150 people and distribution of various goods for 1,000 families;
Bariloche: delivery of food and basic necessities for 120 families;
Río Grande: 200 families benefiting from donations.
Source: El Boletín Salesiano