Italy – Fr Á.F. Artime: "We made a choice as a Congregation: we will never abandon our presence among the original peoples"

(ANS - Turin) - It was 11 November 1875 when Don Bosco blessed the first Salesian missionaries, led by Fr Giovanni Cagliero, with Patagonia as their destination. From Argentina, the Spiritual Sons of Don Bosco expanded to the most northern states of Latin America, where they are still an important presence in the missions in the Amazon. And today, the Rector Major confirms and re-launches the Salesian efforts towards the education of the native youth "so that they serve their people and do not abandon it".

What are the most urgent problems, especially for young people, in the Amazon?

We are a Congregation that is acknowledged for education and evangelization, but also missionary. In Latin America, we have works destined for 63 original peoples; no other Congregation is as close to as many natives as we are. Listening to my brothers who live there, it emerges that the most serious problem is the abandonment of the Amazon by the young natives to emigrate to the big cities. Thus the original peoples lose the new generations and at the same time their own identity, because only the elderly remain in the forest.

In Brazil, for example, we made a choice of Congregation: we will never abandon our presence among the original peoples and we try to support the native youth with education. A sign of this commitment is our University in Campo Grande, attended by over 12,000 young people, including 100 of the original populations, such as the Xavantes, sent by our works and supported in their studies at our expense, both for formation and for accommodations.

You keep betting on education …

Certainly it is so in the Amazon, in India, where we have many colleges, and in Africa where we are taking the first steps. I believe that being alongside the young natives of the Amazon for us means also investing in their scholastic education and formation so that they can have the instruments to make their voices heard in the appropriate venues.

What do your confreres in the Amazon and the local Churches expect from this Synod?

I believe that they expect, from the entire Church, an evangelical word, courageous. My brothers expect first of all closeness to these peoples who often have no voice or have a voice that is too weak. We Salesians feel fully in line with the prophetic and courageous words of Pope Francis who has called this Synod: today, and as Don Bosco did, we too say: "We are with the Pope".

What would Don Bosco say to the young people who demonstrate for the preservation of the planet?

I am convinced that Don Bosco would have encouraged his young people to defend the environment, inviting them to preserve the beauty of Creation, stressing God's action in Creation, encouraging them to spread this sensitivity among their peers and adults because it is evident that safeguarding the gift of Creation is a duty for all; it means ensuring the future for the new generations.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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