"Head, heart, hands. Integrating knowledge by providing young people with the space for a better culture" is, in fact, the common thread not only of the inauguration ceremony, held October 17 at the university's Paul VI Hall, but also of the entire academic year.
Subsequently, the UPS Rector Magnificus, prof. Fr Mauro Mantovani, opened the academic year by underscoring the commitment to "overcome reductionisms and self-referentiality in order to activate the fundamental dimensions that belong to the person and put them 'into the game' in a dynamic of open dialogue and mutual enrichment." And he continued: "Let us make of our University a laboratory of new styles of study, research, teaching, work and relationship", highlighting that "the real challenge is to pursue a human and humanizing knowledge."
Regarding the "Global Educational Pact", launched by Pope Francis last September, the Rector reported that the entire academic community has accepted this appeal "that goes straight to the center of our university identity and mission and makes even more fascinating the daily commitment" at the service of young people and formation.
Following prof. Mantovani was the Prolusion entitled "Studiare a Roma", headed by Dr. Barbara Jatta, Director of the Vatican Museums. Dr. Jatta underlined the importance of studying in Rome, "an added value" for those engaged in research and academic life.
"Rome," explained the Director, "is a city with unquestionable potential where the stratification of art, history and faith overlap." Education to Beauty, the centrality of conservation, the promotion of artistic and cultural heritage: these are the themes on which Dr. Jatta focused, retracing her ownn professional experience, nourished by her love for art.
"To achieve our goals," she concluded, "each of us should cultivate passion, curiosity and determination."
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