Alcohol is the most consumed and socially accepted drug in Spain due to the low risk perception that exists. It is often also a prelude to the consumption of other substances with the same harmful effects on health.
For these reasons, the Don Bosco Youth Centers Confederation launched the "Pasaporte 0,0" campaign, as part of its health education guidelines. The initiative is aimed at adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17, especially those at risk of social exclusion, whose socio-demographic characteristics predispose them to a situation of particular vulnerability, drug use and addictions.
The campaign, funded by the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare (IRPF and the National Plan on Drugs), aims to combat the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors, through prevention and education.
The campaign presentation ceremony took place yesterday, May 7th, at Citycentro, the youth center of the Salesian presence "Ciudad de los Muchachos", in the Vallecas neighborhood, in Madrid. The boys and girls of this Salesian youth center were the first to download the application of the campaign on their smartphones and to start learning about "Pasaporte 0,0".
The Passport 0,0 app, downloadable from Google Play, was created with the intention of being an educational tool that can be used by both educational agents and adolescents, who can even have fun with it. Its design and development involved teenagers and young people, social mediators, technical staff with different professional profiles, and parents.
Complementing the application, didactic materials have been developed to support activities to prevent alcohol consumption in minors. All these materials are also available on the website for all those organizations that want to use them in their prevention activities.