Fr Martín Lasarte, member of the Missions Dicastery, affirms that the main objective of the meeting is to revitalize the missionary dimension in all the provinces of America; and the second is to discuss the "displacement of people" in America, a phenomenon that, in any case, occurs all over the world.
"It is a reality that challenges us Salesians because, in these contexts, the majority are children and young people in a situation of economic, psychosocial and emotional vulnerability ... It is a challenge for the Congregation, to which we must respond in America and around the world," said Fr Lasarte, emphasizing the contribution of the Delegates for Missionary Animation to the construction of effective responses in this field.
Participating for the Salesian Province of Brazil-Campo Grande is Fr Eduardo Moura for whom the work of the Salesians in favor of migrants is very important. "It is necessary to open the door and go to the encounter (with the other), to leave the reality that we already know and concretely verify the needs of these people."
Adding to the discussions are also two Uruguayan volunteers, Flavia Ferreyra and Karen Amaro, who have been involved in the Salesian mission of Wasakentsa, in Ecuador, for about two years. From their point of view, these spaces allow us to generate new forms of participation and awareness in the face of migratory mobility, also towards the indigenous peoples who are pouring into the cities.
"If we want to build something good for the Kingdom of God, this helps us to look at other realities that ask us questions, and ask how we can give answers to those who need us or with whom we work daily," said Karen.
During the first week of work, various topics were discussed, such as: "The future of religions in a world that moves and changes"; "New forms of religiosity"; "Migration, youth and religion" and "Migrations in an intercultural and inter-religious world". The documents were consigned by Fr Juan Bottasso, José Juncosa and René Unda, professors from the Salesian Polytechnic University of Ecuador, as well as professionals with experience on the subject of human mobility.