At Masaya, the Salesians animate a school and a church. In a short statement on Facebook, the Salesian school Don Bosco wrote: "We inform the entire educational community that the Institute, the church and the Salesian community are doing well. We thank everyone for your prayers and expressions of affection and solidarity with the Salesians." And yet, in the district of Monimbó, the situation is terrifying.
The same Fr José Bosco Alfaro, SDB, Director of the Don Bosco Institute in Masaya, confirmed to the SIR agency: "The police and the paramilitaries have entered and taken the city, are dismantling the barricades and have poured into the streets of the city. We are well and they have fortunately respected our institute. Many demonstrators fled to avoid being slaughtered, but others were arrested."
From Spain, the journalist Angel Expósito of COPE interviewed Fr Augusto Gutiérrez, parish priest of Monimbó.
Expósito asked: "Father Augusto, please give me a report on the situation over there."
Fr Gutiérrez: "Hours ago they started entering the neighborhood (the night of July 17, EdN); it is the largest neighborhood in the city of Masaya. Four hours of attack with weapons. They are desecrating churches and killing people. The young are defending themselves. They have threatened us with death because they say we are the leaders of the uprising."
Fr Gutiérrez continues to report the facts and explains that Monimbó "is an indigenous neighborhood, of simple workers, artisans, shoemakers, carpenters ... This is what people live on. For three months, the government has been against the population. Monimbó is a district with great courage...," the priest says in tears.
"There must be international help to stop this massacre and save the people," continues the parish priest of Monimbó. "This is not a war; here people defend themselves with what they can, with stones ... All this is not acceptable; he cannot continue to govern. We are in a situation of complete emergency."
"I thank you very much ... Do not let us die. Please take action, do something," the appeal of the Nicaraguan priest.