South Korea – 2018 EAO Provincial Economers Meeting in Seoul

05 March 2018

(ANS – Seoul) – The Annual EAO Provincial Economers Meeting has just been concluded in Seoul, Korea. It was headed by the Economer General, Br. Jean Paul Muller, and managed by FIS Economer and EAO Regional Coordinator, Fr. Andy Satura. In attendance were 14 Provincial Economers, the KOR Mission Office, and 8 lay staff of some of the EAO Provinces. The entire meeting ran from March 1-4, 2018.

Mr. Leah Samson

The topics were varied yet grounded on how each Provincial Economer can better perform in their respective Provinces. The discussions began with the presentation of good practices currently on-going in particular Provinces: KOR Mission Office, FIS PDO, and FIN Administration. It then proceeded with the crux of the meeting – the expansive input of the Economer General on “how a better future can be built for the children and young people” keeping in mind the common good and the role of the Provincial Economer in its implementation.

Br. Muller presented the idea of a rapidly evolving future and the need for the Salesians to keep up, even take the lead and create in the EAO Region a shared Future. This then points to the serious consideration – and urgent action – of the following in our Salesian communities and institutions:

- Salesian quality

- Salesian management

- Work and temperance

- More Valdocco in this changing world

- Providing for future needs of our mission e.g. through investments, finding local solutions, social entrepreneurship, effective partnerships, relationship building

- Youth participation and engagement

- Change management

- Sustainability and subsidiarity

- Administrative and management evaluation

- Social audit

Br. Muller pointed out the relevant documents that the Congregation, such as the Constitutions (Arts. 73-75, 161, 164, 176, 187-188), Statutes, General Chapter directives (from GC 25 to GC 27), Red Booklet on Administration (Chap. 11), and applicable manuals from the Generalate and the Region, have to guide the Salesian path into the future.

Following Br. Muller’s 3-day input and direction, the EAO Provincial Economers agreed on concrete lines of action at Region, Province, and personal levels to be carried out this year and beyond.

The meeting closed with the announcement of the next meeting date and venue: March 3-6, 2019, in Papua New Guinea.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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