An important part of the work involved nominations: 9 selected Provincials for the United States of America East (SUE), Italy Lombardy-Emilia (ILE), Portugal (POR), Uruguay (URU), Brazil-San Paolo (BSP), Tropical-Equatorial Africa (ATE), Southern Africa (AFM), Chile (CIL), and Australia-Pacific (AUL).
Many of these nominees had already reached Rome to meet with the Rector Major, his Vicar and various Councilors and received guidelines for the sessions of government and animation that awaits them.
Other appointments involved Provincial Vicars (13), Provincial Economers (7), Provincial Councilors with various delegations (47), Directors (175) and Masters of Novices (3).
Regarding works, the canonical erection of 2 communities was approved - already stable communities with at least 4 active Salesians; as much as 14, instead, the communities opened without canonical erection - still small presences, with 2-3 confreres, but constituting the outposts for the spread of the charism and indicating the vitality and dynamism of the Congregation. Twelve, finally, the communities that, after several years of suspension, have been canonically closed.
Another important part of the work was the study of the numerous Extraordinary Visits by General Councilors - with at least one report submitted for each of them and in some cases, two.
Finally, a specific topic, worthy of great attention, was the reconstruction plan of the Salesian Provinces at a global level, which required the examination of every single Provincial, Vice Province and Delegation of the Congregation.
In conclusion, Fr Á.F. Artime underlined the climate of “communion”, “loyalty”, and frankness among the members of the Council, and thanked the Salesian and lay personnel of the General House for the services and support offered, ordinarily given and especially at Plenary sessions.