On the first day of the seminar, the coordinator of the course, Fr Francis Gustilo, clarified the purpose: to prepare a study program for the teaching of the Salesianity at various training levels- Pre-novitiate, Novitiate, Post-novitiate, Internship and Theology - to ensure that the teaching of the subject could be systematic and harmonious throughout the region. The idea is that all the Salesians of the region should have the same study program concerning the Salesianity, while taking into account the culture specificities and the various training stages.
The two days dedicated mainly to the historical context of Don Bosco have been animated with very dynamic presentations and appreciated by Fr Gregorio E. Bicomong Jr, SDB. The seminar's daily sessions were divided into conferences, group discussions, and workshops. "During the works we had to prepare the template for the studies plan and research concerning the Salesianity. We have been divided on the basis of the Provinces and we have developed our provincial program for the teaching of the Salesianity in the initial training”, said Fr Charles Arun Michael, a Salesian of Mongolia.
The seminar ended with the awarding of the diplomas before the Grotto of Our Lady of Fatima on May 12, 2017, eve of the Centennial Celebration of the Apparitions in Fatima. All the participants have achieved the proposed goal and are now returning to their respective countries as one group. Their study plan that has been created will not be immediately operational, but it will be subjected to a serious review process, especially during the teaching and the application.
All the Seminar materials are available on BOSCOLINK.