Italy – Poverty, Reception and Formation: the Challenges of the Provinces for the Next Triennium

02 January 2017

(ANS – Rome) – “We have been called to work for the justice of the last ones, this is our brand, the last will be our salvation”. The Rector Major, Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, thus exhorted the Provincials of Europe during their biannual encounter that was held at the General House in Rome.

On the occasion of the encounter, the Provincials of CISI spoke of the challenges that await them for the future and of what has so far been done in the Provinces for migrants and to fight poverties.

"Our experience is being done with young refugees who are welcomed and helped by a group of university students; – Fr. Leonardo Mancini, Provincial of ICC, recounts – together they help the homeless, in a mutual aid".

In Piedmont, Fr. Enrico Stasi, Provincial of ICP, explains that “the reception is done by the communities of Salesians, where migrants have found a home and are assisted to find a job”.

In the Southern Province, as Fr. Pasquale Cristiani explains, courses of Italian language and extra curricular activities have been organized.

Sicily, a landing place for many migrants, witnessed SDBs, FMAs and Salesian Cooperators work together with other associations, says Fr. Giuseppe Ruta Provincial of ISI. "They offer a coordinated service, not only for minors but also for families with little children ".

In Gorizia there is the experience of the reception of unaccompanied minors offering with extra curricular activities and courses of Italian in three different stages, says Fr. Roberto Dal Molin, Provincial of INE.

Fr. Claudio Cacioli, Provincial of ILE, in his turn highlights the experience of parish Caritas agencies especially in metropolitan zones, with consultants for young mothers and courses of Italian. "For us there is no reception without education – Fr. Cacioli adds – and the Salesian system responds with the school, vocational training and the oratory".

"To us, a good school is the one that takes care of the entire life of the youth", Fr. Cacioli explains. Another challenge is explained by Fr. Dal Molin: "Salesians and lay people together, who are formed with and share the spirit of Don Bosco". Fr. Ruta wishes "that this may bring a draft of fresh air to meet the demands of the youth of our time". Another challenge for the future not only of Salesian Italy but also of the entire Salesian world is vocational training, both in view of the insertion in the job market and the start of formation in regions where it still does not exist, Fr. Stasi remarks.

For the future, the Provincials of CISI see some fixed points: the school, vocational training, parishes and oratories that go forth and a transparent economy.



ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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