On March 1, the day commenced at the Basilica of St. Bartholomew on Tiber Island, where a morning of reflection was led by Fr. Guido Benzi, professor of Sacred Scripture at the Pontifical Salesian University. The Community of Sant’Egidio, responsible for the pastoral service at the basilica, provided access to the Museum of 20th-21st Century Martyrs, established in the crypts beneath the basilica at the request of St. John Paul II. Tiber Island holds special significance for the community, as it is the place where their patron, Blessed Zeffirino Namuncurá, passed away at the Fatebenefratelli Hospital on May 11, 1905, in front of the basilica.
In the afternoon, the final leg of the journey to St. Peter’s Basilica was completed alongside thousands of other pilgrims. Departing from Piazza Pia, behind the cross given to them, they walked together with the Don Rua Community of UPS—more than 100 Salesians from various provinces worldwide—along Via della Conciliazione into St. Peter’s Square. Upon silently crossing the Holy Door, the pilgrimage concluded with a Profession of Faith before the Altar of the Confession, above the tomb of St. Peter. A uniquely Salesian moment followed as the pilgrims gathered to the left of the altar, where they reflected before the statues of St. John Bosco and St. Francis de Sales.