In 2024, the Council focused on the objectives of the Provincial Salesian Educational and Pastoral Project, fostering dialogue, discernment, and sharing. This process sparked renewed enthusiasm and passion for the shared mission of education. A total of 230 participants responded to the annual call of the Youth Ministry Coordination, led by Fr. Andrea Lupi, who stated: "As a provincial unit, this time we will focus on forming ourselves, praying, and reflecting pastorally on the First Proclamation."
The theme of the First Proclamation has already been a key focus in the Mediterranean Region of the Salesian Congregation, and it is now being contextualized within the Educational and Pastoral Communities (EPC) governed within the ICC Circumscription. From Vallecrosia to Vasto, Ancona to Cagliari, Genoa to Rome, Sassari to Florence, Macerata to Latina, Livorno to Civitavecchia, and Olbia to Civitanova Marche, Salesian presences vary in demographics, social contexts, ecclesial vitality, and educational challenges. Yet, all are animated and enriched by the Salesian educational charism, modeled after Don Bosco’s vision and action.
Fr. Fabio Attard, an experienced Salesian with a long history of service at the global level within the Congregation, delivered an inspiring opening address. His charismatic and ecclesial insights challenged educators and pastors to be prophetically effective in this changing era.
Referring to Pope Francis’ address at the 2015 Italian Church Convention in Florence, Fr. Attard contextualized his reflections, stating: "The situations we face today present us with new challenges that are sometimes difficult to understand. Our time calls us to see problems as challenges, not obstacles: the Lord is active and working in the world."
Recognizing, interpreting, and choosing—these are the essential steps for those engaged in ecclesial and Salesian service. With the spirit of discernment, they act to shape the future. As theologian Joseph Ratzinger affirmed in 1969: "The future of the Church can only come from those who have deep roots and live their faith with pure fullness."
The day concluded with a moment of Eucharistic adoration, meditated upon through the Word of God, followed by the traditional “Good Night” talk. Matteo Renzi, a lay volunteer from Ancona, and Paolo Torella, a Salesian deacon, shared brief and personal testimonies of the First Proclamation, offering "snapshots of proclamation"—concise yet powerful messages of faith.