After a morning dedicated to discussions within the six Commissions, the afternoon witnessed the responses of the members of the General Council to the interventions raised by the assembly, in the following order:
- Fr. Joan Lluís Playà, Central Delegate of the Rector Major for the Salesian Family Secretariat
- Fr. Roman Jachimowicz, Regional Councillor for Central and Northern Europe
- Fr. Alphonse Owoudou, Regional Councillor for Africa-Madagascar and Moderator of CG29
- Br. Jean Paul Muller, Economer General
- Fr. Stefano Martoglio, Vicar of the Rector Major
Each speaker addressed the points within their area of service with competence and clarity, offering answers and reflections for the future. The interventions and proposals that emerged during the work sessions will remain available for further study and will be included in the official acts of the Chapter, a concrete sign of the willingness to listen carefully to every voice and value every contribution.
Among the numerous topics discussed, two central themes captured the assembly's attention.
The first theme concerned the inclusion, within the Salesian Family, of people who, while actively participating in the educational mission, do not share the Christian faith or the Catholic tradition. This phenomenon, already present in the movement of alumni of Salesian schools, also involves thousands of collaborators – whether volunteers or salaried staff – who, in many works, constitute the majority of the operational staff. The future challenge will be to delve deeper into this reflection and address this phenomenon with openness and discretion, as it will have a decisive impact on the future of the Congregation.
The second theme that emerged concerns the decrease in the number of Salesian Brothers. This decline should not be addressed from a statistical perspective but with a charismatic and pastoral outlook. The redesign of the Congregation, which is gaining broad consensus during the Chapter, requires an attitude of obedience to reality and authentic collaboration, free from individual protagonism.
Intentional encounters among confreres, even outside formal contexts, have been identified also as an important tool for strengthening mutual trust. Another fundamental point that emerged is the need to consider the differences between various regional contexts. The diversity of situations calls for responses proportionate to the capacities and resources of individual communities to ensure that the Congregation can continue to grow harmoniously and concretely.
The day represented a crucial moment of sharing and listening, with a strong commitment to addressing current challenges and building a future of inclusion, collaboration, and fidelity to the Salesian charism. The reflections that emerged testify to the vitality and depth of this Chapter, which continues to guide the path of the Salesian Congregation under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
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