The meeting, attended by 15 Principals and Directors, takes place every three years, but had been suspended during the pandemic period. It was organised by the Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Prof. Fr Sahayadas Fernando, SDB, together with his closest collaborators - the Vice-Dean, Prof. Fr Sameul Amaglo, SDB, the Bursar, Prof. Fr Wim Collin, and the Secretary, Prof. Fr Marcello Scarpa. In the online preparation phase, all the Presidents and Directors together, in a synodal style, determined the topics to be dealt with.
The purpose of the gathering is to strengthen the network between the Faculty of Theology and the related Centres, in the spirit of Veritatis Gaudium which states ‘the urgent need for “networking” between those institutions worldwide that cultivate and promote ecclesiastical studies, in order to set up suitable channels of cooperation also with academic institutions in the different countries and with those inspired by different cultural and religious traditions. At the same time, specialized centres of research need to be established in order to study the epochal issues affecting humanity today and to offer appropriate and realistic paths for their resolution‘’ (VG, no. 4d).
Other objectives are to get to know and share experiences; optimise institutional links; explore together various topics related to theology for the laity; and study the examination procedures for the Baccalaureate in Theology and the Licentiate.
The programme includes a conference on the theme of ‘Theology in Exit’; Prof. Massimo Naro's lecture on ‘Theologising Christianly Today’; a meeting with the staff of the Dicastery for Culture and Education and a Jubilee pilgrimage to St Peter's; a meeting with the Holy See's Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of the Quality of Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (AVEPRO); a discussion with the Faculty of Theology's teaching staff; and the presentation of the three FT curricula.
The opening day will be attended by the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Stefano Martoglio; the General Councillor for Formation, Fr Ivo Coelho; the Rector Magnificus of the UPS, prof. Fr Andrea Bozzolo; and the Superior of the Mary Seat of Wisdom Vice-Province of the UPS, Fr José Aníbal Mendoça.