Philippines – The gift of diversity in communion: international novitiate in Cebu

14 December 2016

(ANS – Talisay City) – The Sacred Heart Novitiate in Cebu - Talisay City, Lawaan (FIS province) is remarkable for the international character of the community.The novices, between 21-23 years of age, are coming from the Philippines, Cambodia, Japan and Pakistan. The diversity of spoken languages is most visible at the entrance wall.

For those coming from other countries at their arrival the cultural shock is inevitable; inter-cultural community dynamics are facilitated by their previous stay in the Philippines at least for one full year of pre-novitiate (both in FIN or FIS province). In their international community they learn about the patience and the other ‘soft skills’ needed for accepting each other. There is now a good level of inter-cultural communication. Those coming from the Catholic environment of the Philippines bring their centuries old traditions and customs, while those coming from the other young minority Churches of East Asia bring their joy of living a missionary life among their people, mainly adhering to non Christian beliefs.

Fr. Ronel Vilbar is the Rector of the community and he just attended with other 22 English speaking Directors of Novices like him a formation course in Rome, General House, specifically designed for those who share the same formative responsibility. The FIS Provincial, the Socius and Assistant accompanied the novices while Fr Ronel was in Rome. In two months time the novices will be writing their request for the first profession.

The Sacred Heart Novitiate in Cebu is located in wonderful green environment of small hill in Lawaan, with a Retreat house, Aspirantate, Don Bosco Seminary College and DB Clay and Social Communication Center of FIS province. On the Salesian cemetery are resting 10 Salesians who ministered in the Southern Philippines.

To be international in the composition of the community is not just a situation dictated by the needs of various provinces. It is rather a very relevant added value to this foundational phase of Salesian life. To become Salesian of Don Bosco means first and foremost to join the Congregation as a whole, present in 132 Countries. The national borders and one’s native culture and language, though so relevant for our upbringing, are not the perimeter of the vocation and mission the Church entrusts to the sons of don Bosco. Wherever one will be sent, his heart is for the salvation of the youth of the whole world. To be trained in a way whereby universality is not just a principle but a lived daily experience  makes a huge positive difference in the formation process.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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