Italy – More than 150 Young People Participate in a Celebratory Gathering to denote the official Start of Group Activities
Palermo, Italy – October 2024 – On October 12, the official launch of the formation of groups for the new pastoral year took place at “Don Bosco – Ranchibile” in Palermo. It was a moment of celebration and joy that saw the participation of more than 150 teenagers and young people from the formative groups, along with Salesians and educators. The formative groups currently consist of five groups and include young people and adults (from middle school students to university students and workers). The celebration began with the Eucharistic Celebration presided over by the Oratory director, Fr. Alfredo Calderoni, and the greeting from the Rector Fr. Domenico Saraniti. Later, the young people gathered in the theater for a moment of celebration and formation. After welcoming dances, Marco and Federica, a young married couple and animators at Ranchibile, shared their missionary experience in Senegal and introduced two young Senegalese animators. Through films and photos, they recounted how the Oratory started in Senegal in collaboration with the “DonBosco 2000” Association. It is an Oratory that has had a special connection with Don Bosco Ranchibile, thanks to Cinzia Pennino, an animator and teacher who passed away in 2020. Cinzia brought her joy, cheerfulness, professionalism, and competence to those places where the Salesian charism was still little known, paving the way for the founding of the new Oratory in Senegal. Antonino Sella and Cinzia Vella, founders and parents of Cinzia Pennino were the Chief Guests of the evening, besides the two young Senegalese. The evening concluded with prayer and an invitation to be missionaries in everyday life.