RMG – The Pre-Chapter working session on the GC29 theme gets underway

25 September 2024

(ANS – Rome) – The Pre-Chapter Commission on the 29th General Chapter (GC29) theme, whose main task is to study the contributions from Provincial Chapters and personal reflections on the theme "Passionate about Jesus Christ, dedicated to young people", officially began its work on 17 September 2024. After the arrival of the members, the session began with a retreat, meditations for which were prepared by the Moderator, Fr Alphonse Owoudou, based on the verse from John 15:5: "Without me you can do nothing". This theme underlines the centrality of Jesus in all of GC29's topics, inspiring the participants to reflect on the need to remain rooted in Christ to make every action fruitful.

In his meditation, Fr Owoudou linked this dependence on Christ to the care of each one's and others' vocation, placing the emphasis on fraternity and Salesian synodality experienced together and for young people. Similarly he recalled the importance of a leadership style that follows the example of Jesus, the master who washed the feet of his disciples, serving with humility.

In the concluding part of the retreat, the preacher recalled the Marian experience of the Eucharist, presenting Mary as the first tabernacle, "Our Lady who said Yes" and  her total "Fiat". Fr Owoudou recalled how Mary was always present, attentive and ready to serve: first in her meeting with Elizabeth, then at the wedding at Cana and finally, at Pentecost, with the emerging Church.

During the homily at Mass, the Moderator addressed the issue of young people led away from the pitfalls of the modern world. Comparing them to the young man at Naim resurrected by Jesus, he described how many young people today risk being "taken out of the city", metaphorically speaking, away from the opportunities to live a full life due to the influence of the media, ideologies and fashions. He encouraged all those present to commit themselves so that young people can "awaken", speak up, proclaim, and return as key players, bringing hope back to the Church and society.

The Pre-Chapter Commission on the theme, involving provincials from all continents and members of the Salesian Headquarters Community, continued its work by organising language groups to analyse the contributions received and translate them into concrete proposals.

The French and Portuguese-speaking group includes Fr Owoudou, accompanied by Fr Jefferson Luis Santos, from Brazil. The English-speaking group comprises Fr Patrick Anthonyraj, Indian, active in the Headquarters; Fr Fidel Orendain, from the Philippines, Fr Hailemariam Medhin, from Ethiopia and Fr Koyickal Jose Thomas, from India. The Italian and Spanish-speaking group involves Fr Francesco Marcoccio, an Italian from Headquarters, Fr Reinhard Gesing, from Germany, Fr Fernando García, from Spain and Fr Manolo C. Jimenez, invited by the Rector Major to replace Fr Morachel Bonhomme, Provincial of Haiti, unable to participate due to difficulties in issuing the Italian visa.

The members of the Commission work in their respective languages, studying the contributions received from the Provincial Chapters and the confreres, and then meet and produce a common synthesis that will be the basis of the document in preparation for the Chapter. Each day of work is marked by time for personal study, discussions in small groups and collective sessions for the final synthesis. The programme also includes moments of prayer shared with the Headquarters community and a cultural visit, held on Sunday 22 September, as an opportunity for relaxation and fraternity.

As a sign of trust and devotion, the Commission entrusted its work to the Virgin Help of Christians. On the first day of work, the members sang  the musical version of the prayer for the GC29 together, asking for Mary's guidance and protection so that their decisions are inspired by God's will and bear abundant fruit for the Salesian mission in the world.


ANS - “Agenzia iNfo Salesiana” is a on-line almost daily publication, the communication agency of the Salesian Congregation enrolled in the Press Register of the Tibunal of Rome as n 153/2007.

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