The fifth chapter, recorded in Cali, is entitled "Vinculados por la paz" (Linked to Peace).
In the last 40 years, the armed conflict in Colombia has affected more than two million children, who have been forced to flee their homes, and have suffered forced recruitment, sexual violence and kidnappings.
In the midst of the violence that the country still suffers, the only two official programs to help children who move away from violence and want to start a new life are managed by the Salesians, and one of these, the "CAPRE" program (Casa de Protección Especializada) is managed between Medellín and Cali. Salesians help minors between the ages of 12 and 18 to overcome trauma, recover self-esteem and self-confidence and reintegrate into society through education and learning a trade.
Salesian pedagogy is the tool that changes the lives of minors, who enter the work with anger, fear and lack of affection; and who, however, in a short time transform, discover their vocation and develop their talents, and many of them, indeed, become ambassadors of peace.